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Concorde First Officer's Instruments 

Left you can see the First Officers instruments on



Some of the First Officer's instruments were duplicated on the Pilots side, the nose control switch and indications, landing gear indication and Icovol are classed as part of this section and were not duplicated on the Pilots side but were accessible for the pilot.


Some other subtle differences can be seen and where possible these will be indicated.

Anchor 28

First Officer's Instruments

1. Warning indicators and landing systems

2. INS and RDR indicator lights

3. Instrument Transfer switches for Navigation

4. ASI (Air Speed Indicator)

5. ADI (Attitude Display Indicator) or Artificial Horizon

6. VSI (Vertical Speed Indicator)

7. Radio Altimeter

8. Nose Position Selector

9. Marker Beacon Navigation System  

10. Accelerometer Moving Index and Angle of Attack

11. Nose position indicators and wiper override

12. Mach Meter

13. HSI (Horizontal Situation Indicator)

14. Flight Director Switch

15. Standby Altimeter

16. T.C.A.S. (See note at bottom of page)

17. Landing gear indication

18. Icovol

19. DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) Indicator

20. VOR Indicator (Radio Compass)

21. Sideslip Indicator

22. ADF (Automatic Direction Finder) Indicator

23. Clock (See note at bottom of page)

24. Inner Elevon indicator

25. Anti Skid indicators and steering indication

26. Landing gear selector

27. Wheels overheat light

Instruments on Pilots panel that are missing from First Officer's side as follows;
Standby Horizon, 
Powerplant rating Mode Indicators, Cabin Pressure Altimeter, INS Warning Indicators, Standby ASI / Mach Meter (Air Speed Indicator), CGI (Center of Gravity) Indicator


Additional instruments on Co Pilots side as follows;

Nose selector, Nose position indicator, Wiper override, Landing gear indication, Icovol, Landing gear selector, Anti Skid and Steering indication, Inner elevon indicator

First Officer's Instruments - Detail

1. Warning indicators and landing systems

Anchor 30

2. INS and RDR indicator lights

Anchor 29

3. Instrument transfer switches for navigation

Anchor 32

4. ASI - Air speed indicator

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5. ADI - Attutude display indicator or Artificial Horizon

Information display

Flags and Warnings

Anchor 32

6. VSI (Vertical Speed Indicator)

7. Radio Altimeter

Anchor 31
Anchor 35

8. Nose Position Selector

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9. Marker Beacon Navigation System

Test button is missing on 1st Officer side

10. Accelerometer moving index and angle of attack

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Anchor 39

11. Nose position indicators and Wiper override

12. Mach Meter

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HSI Information display (True setting)

13. HSI (Horizontal situation indicator)

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HSI Information display (Mag setting)

HSI Flags and warnings

Anchor 42

14. Flight Director switch

15. Altimeter

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16. T.C.A.S (See note below)

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17. Landing gear indication

Landing gear indication on takeoff

Landing gear indication during landing

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18. Icovol

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19. DME (Distance Measuring Equipment) Indicator

Indicator - Dual. DME, Clifton


The digitaL dual. DME indicator contains two separate identical display modules ; one is supplied by DME interrogator 1 and the other by DME interrogator 2. Each display module consists of four tubes, each with a seven segment incandescent display. Each tube can display numbers from one to nine and a horizontal bar, or dash. The indicators display hundreds, tens, units and tenths from 000,0 to 399.9 NM.

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20. VOR Indicator (Radio Compass)

Anchor 50

21. Sideslip indicator

Anchor 51

22. ADF (Automatic Direction Finder) Indicator

Anchor 52

23. Temperature indicator Later replaced with Clock (* See note bottom of page)

Clock (* See note bottom of page)

Anchor 53

24. Inner elevon warning light

Anchor 54

25. Anti Skid and Steering indication

Anchor 55

26. Landing gear selector

Anchor 56

27. Wheels Overheat Light

Anchor 57

* Note; Changes to layout During Service for TCAS

The installation of the TCAS system brought about some changes in the layout of the instruments in Concorde, Originally both the pilot and first officer had Temperature indicators on their display panels. The TCAS system took up valuable space on each side of the cockpit so to resolve the issue TCAS was installed where the clock was, the clock was moved down to the next position and replaced the Temperature indicator and the temperature indicator was moved to the center console.

Before TCAS installation

After TCAS installation

Temperature indicator added to center console

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